Tinkoff Mobile has been penaltized for an untruthful ad

In the ad that Tinkoff Mobile has placed in VKontatke (the biggest social network in Russia and CIS) the company promised the abscence of roaming on the whole territory of the Russian Federation. However, there is roaming in Crimea and Sevastopol.

On the 24-th of July the comission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia has found the advertisement unlawful and not complying with the federal law on advertising.
The ad contents were following:

"Unlimited internet for social networks and messengers. No roaming in Russia, no hidden subscriptions, no imposed services. Click to see further info!"

At the same time according to the website of the company the unlimited internet access and the abscence of roaming was not granted on the territory of Crimea region and Sevastopol.

The company will have to bring the ad into line with the law and pay a fine.

Source - the official website of the Federal Antimonopoly service of Russia.

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Legal framework for advertising in Russia

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