The Offer

What is great about this domain name?


The age of a domain has a proven positive impact on its search ranking. The domain name was registered in July of 2015, so that it is already more than 3 years old.

Suits any location

It is perfect for an international company operating all over the world. Domain name does not tie you to any specific region which gives maximum flexibility to your marketing strategy.

Comparable domains pricing

What are the prices for comparable domain names? According to the following domains without any website (which means their new owners had to start from scratch) were sold for the following prices:
Domain Name Sold for ($) $ 9 165 $13 829
How to see the price of comparables? For example, you can look at GoDaddy

What is great about this website?

Content is optimized for search & proper website structure

This website is managed by Oliveria team. We are in the business of internet marketing since 2014.

Consultation included

If you prefer to change the CMS, we can advise you on how to make the transition smooth, so that the website won't lose its position in the search engines.

How much?

$15 000 To stay tuned, you may subscribe to the Telegram Chanel
Or talk to me directly
The price will go up as the website will go up in the search.

Spare your company several months and start selling today!

What is the pricing based on?
Let's imagine you buy any other domain name without a website. You will have to:
  1. Create website
  2. Create content
  3. Optimize it for the search engines
  4. Wait several weeks/months/years before you start getting clients from the search engines

If you buy, you can skip these 4 steps and start getting new clients from organic search already today!

What do you get for this price?

A ready to go website that has already been indexed by search engines and is already present in search results. This means that you buy all of the content and traffic that is already coming to the website.

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